Special Initiatives
JA Matching Fund Program
Current Total
Galvanized by the unprecedented $10 million gift by James Anderson, SAIS Europe Advisory Council Chairman, Hopkins University Trustee and Bologna Alumnus, SAIS Europe issues this

Call to Action

to honor all the alumni and benefactorsv who since the Bologna Center's foundation in 1955 have imagined a better future for the world, helped design a powerful network of international experts, and embraced C.Grove Haines’ mission to foster international dialogue as a response to global challenges.

Through a generous $4 million matching program included in his gift, James Anderson is paving the way to raise up to $8 million to support SAIS Europe priorities, including support for faculty and students, deeper integration across SAIS campuses, and an emergency fund to help the school endure the Covid-19 pandemic.

SAIS Europe invites the many Bolognesi around the world to answer the call to action facilitated by James Anderson's donation and help build the future of the Bologna Center. The Campaign will end in June 2023 or once matching funds are fully depleted.

Join us today

in our mission to strengthen the role of SAIS Europe within SAIS and the Johns Hopkins University.

Discover in detail the four critical areas eligible for the match:

Professorship Sustainability Fund

Programmatic Integration Fund

Student Opportunity Fund

COVID-19 Emergency Fund

To discuss your commitment and take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity before all the matching funds are fully depleted, contact the SAIS Europe Development Team.

View the complete donor list here.

SAIS Europe - Via Beniamino Andreatta, 3 - 40126 Bologna, Italy
© 2024
SAIS Europe
Via Beniamino Andreatta, 3
40126 Bologna, Italy
© 2024