CLASS Initiatives
Current Total
Class Participation
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Slocum Alesia
Jean Allard Gayle
Seth Arenstein
Kate Bishop
Jeremy Bowen
Sjogren Britta
Elizabeth Callander
Javier Calvo
Joanne Celens
James Edward Cox
Barbara Curli
Henrique De Moreira Da Mota
Michael Delia
Gabor Dinnyes
Pamela Docters
Edzo Doeve
Martin Fraenkel
Paul Joseph Fraker
Aliki Moschis Gauguet
Richard Gildea
Paul Goldberg
Erienne Grall
Betsinger Gregory
Lawrence Hatheway
Christian Herbst
Anne Hodges Predieri
Marie Jacobsson
Thomas Jetter
Christiane Karam
Erik Kooijmans
Rebecca Krafft
Rilind Latifi (LEAD Fellowship recipient)
Cory Lefkowitz
Catherine Lieber Shimony
Ron Lissak
Matthew Charles Listerud
Lieve Lowet
Anna Lueje
Claes Lundman
Christina Malmberg Calvo
Debra Marks
Jana Martella
Max Matthews
Jacqueline Mazza
Arens-Diez Monique
Timothy Nelson
Roderick Pace
Anthony Pace
Dionne Paul
Claire Pierangelo
Michaela Platzer
Charlie Rast
Rainer Reich
Francisco Daniel Sainz
Pamela Samek Stamatiou
Robert Sethre
Kenneth Siegel
Constance Soloway
Frank Spellerberg
Thomas Stelzer
Arthur Stern
Paul Turco
Ingrid Valentini Wanka
Saskia Van Amstel
Gert Van Holk
Floris Van Straaten
Carmela Vetri
Christopher Yurkovsky
Richard Zechter

On the occasion of their 20th anniversary in 2003, the Bologna Class of 1983 decided to celebrate this special reunion by establishing an endowment at the Bologna Center which ensures a yearly Class of 1983 LEAD (Leadership in Emerging & Advancing Democracies) Fellowship.

Over the years, the fundraising campaign continued to grow tremendously. Thanks to the incredible generosity of class members and the tireless work of the class leaders (Lieve Lowet, Carmela Vetri, Rick Gildea, Jackie Mazza and Joanne Celens) in April 2023 they went down in the history of the Johns Hopkins University as the first class to achieve an incredible fundraising goal: bring their scholarship capital to a million dollars forever covering full tuition for a student at the Bologna Center every year.

We hope that this incredible record will inspire other classes to follow in their footsteps, so to give bright students the possibility of affording a SAIS Europe education, notwithstanding their financial situation.

Grazie di cuore ragazzi del 1983!

Since 2004, 21 students have benefitted from the Class of 1983 Fellowship:

View Fellowship Recipients
The Class of 1983 recipient for 2024-25 will be announced soon.

By tradition, some representatives from the Class of 1983 have met their fellowship recipients over the years.

Members of the Class of 1983 or other sympathizers who would like to get involved in the initiative, by giving funds, matching funds or working to raise funds should contact the SAIS Europe development staff or the class leaders:

Make a pledge and/or a gift now on our Online Donations page.

How to Make a Tax Deductible Donation

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© 2024
SAIS Europe
Via Beniamino Andreatta, 3
40126 Bologna, Italy
© 2024