CLASS Initiatives
Class Fund Market Value
Class Participation
View Donor List
Silvia Alber-Glanstaetten
Stefan Alber-Glanstaetten
Dennis Amato
Peter Ames
David Atwood
Vladislav Bachar
Eckhard Bergmann
Mairegu Bezabih
Peter Bloch
Federico Canuto
Nick Constantopoulos
Martin Curwen
Claudia Dade-Chase
Warren Devalier
Helmut Dorn
Kempton Dunn
Gunter Erker
Brigitte Fliegauf Roller
Piero Formica
Feldman Gerald
Marion Gillen
Keith Hansen
Patrick Harper
Kurt Hengl
Jurgen Hohler
Stephen Hopkins
John Isaacs
Herman Knippenberg
Jacqueline Lafon Hengl
Winfried Lambertz
Robert Leonardi
Raffaella Leonardi
Karin Lissakers
Thomas Longo
Alberto Mazzuca
Andres Rigo
Laurence Schloesing-Colchester
Craige Sheppard
Eric Smith
Marcellus & Edwina Snow
Christopher Stowell
Lazare Tannenbaum
Grace Tompkins
Tain Tompkins

On the occasion of their 40th anniversary in 2008, the Bologna Class of 1968 decided to celebrate this special reunion by establishing a fellowship to benefit a Bologna Center student every academic year starting from 2009-2010.

After ten years, to celebrate another important milestone such as their 50th Bologna anniversary, the leaders decided to re-launch the fundraising initiative to raise at least the minimum required to endow in perpetuity the Bologna Class of 1968 Fellowship. In February 2018, they proudly announced that this first goal has been reached:

"We are very happy to inform you that thanks to the heartwarming generosity of Warren and Yumiko Devalier, Grace Tompkins in memory and on behalf of Tain and all the others who recently contributed to our class fund, we reached the minimum US$100,000 to establish a perpetual fellowship. The amount of $100,000 is just the minimum amount of a perpetual fellowship fund but not an optimum. Because only the return (approx. 4%) on the fellowship fund will be available for granting an annual fellowship. Consequently the higher our perpetual fellowship fund the higher the annual fellowship. Therefore we invite you to contribute furthermore to our Class of 68 Fellowship in order to be in a position to grant a more valuable annual fellowship to outstanding worthy students." Helmut Dorn, Warren J. Devalier, Jacqueline Lafon-Hengl and Patrick H. Harper

Since 2009, 15 students have benefitted from the Class of 1968 Fellowship:

View Fellowship Recipients
The Class of 1968 recipient for 2024-25 will be announced soon.

By tradition, some representatives from the Class of 1968 have met their fellowship recipients over the years.

"I would like to thank everyone for organizing the lunch with the 1968 graduates. It was good to hear their experiences and advice." - Yunus Sonmez

Members of the Class of 1968 who would like to get involved in the initiative, should contact Helmut Dorn or the Bologna Center development staff.
Make a pledge and/or a gift now on our Online Donations page.

How to Make a Tax Deductible Donation

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